黑暗之魂3 1号(v1.03.1)升级档+破解补丁CODEX版是由玩家为一款3D动作类游戏《黑暗之魂3》制作的升级补丁。
1. 解压缩
2. 复制Update文件夹下的升级补丁到游戏目录覆盖
3. 复制Crack文件夹下的未加密补丁到游戏目录覆盖
4. 运行游戏
Update 1.03.1 - 4/18 11am CEST/2am PST
4月15日 - KIMUNDI
The 1.03.1 update for Dark Souls III will be deployed on STEAM on April 18th at 11am CEST/2am PST. It won’t require any maintenance downtime:
The update will include the following changes:
- Performance adjustment for “Greatsword”
- Battle performance adjustment for “Dancer’s Enchanted Sword”, “Winged Knight Twinaxes”
- Performance adjustment for “Soul’s Greatsword”, and “Farron Flashsword”
- Fix for issue where multiple items become impossible to use at “Road of Sacrifices”, “Farron Keep”, “Cathedral of the Deep” after clearing the game.
- General balance adjustments and bug fixes
Embrace the Darkness!